Recycle everything you can

Learen if any waste products can be eliminated or replaced with recyclable alternatives.

In this step, we will go through all processes methodically to see if everything that can be recycled is being recycled.  Recycling involves taking items that are at the end of their useful life and giving them to a recycler who can turn them into raw material to make something else.  Review all waste products to see if any can be eliminated or replaced with recyclable alternatives.

You are probably already doing some form of basic recycling.  Cans, bottles, plastics, paper, cardboard can all be recycled easily.  Most garbage companies offer recycle bins of some sort to both regular businesses and home-based businesses.  Some only offer large cardboard recycling bins while others offer mixed paper or plastic and cans recycling too.  Check with your local waste company for details on their offerings.

Determine if there are any other items you can recycle.  One way to do this is to take a look in your garbage bin right before it is picked up.  See if any materials are being disposed of that could be recycled instead.

Ideas for recycling:

Try these specific ideas to get your recycling efforts in gear. Remember, these are just our ideas. Don’t be shy about coming up with your own ways to add recycling to your business practices.

  • Save packing material you receive and reuse for shipping
  • Use white boards to replace sticky notes
  • Recycle toner cartridges and buy refilled toner cartridges
  • Recycle paper, cardboard, plastics, cans, bottles, etc
  • Recycle e-Waste* – Televisions, Cellular Phones, Computers, Consumer Electronics
  • Recycle Paint – Can be recycled by reprocessing or reblending
  • Choose to buy recycled and recyclable products
  • Save yard waste and organic kitchen scraps for use in Composting

*Remember, eWaste can not simply be thrown into a recycle bin.  It must be processed by an eWaste recycler.

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