Start With A Plan

Over the Memorial Day weekend, we built a wooden play structure from a kit. It is very hard work and I learned a couple of important things:

1) Carpenters and landscapers probably don’t have very nice fingernails or soft hands.

2) You really need a plan.

Without the instruction manual, we would have had no chance. It got me to thinking about how important a business plan is to any and every business. More than a to do list, you can look ahead in the plans to see where you are going and make sure the tasks you perform today will not have to be torn apart and done again later. You can create goals about how much you need to complete on any day or any week or month. And when something comes up, a part that doesn’t seem to fit or be necessary, you can look ahead to see if it will matter later on – and it usually will.

Watch the Sloan brothers’ online seminar and read these articles on business planning

Then, let us know how developing a plan has changed your business and your life!

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