Target and CK’s Book Club

Happy New Year! My holiday was a blast, and now it’s back to work. January is always a busy month and this one is looking to be no different. We have a ton going on, most notably a launch into Target stores with our So Easy Baby Food Kit. Yes, TARGET! We feel pretty accomplished and we’re very excited to be a new vendor in this trend setting store.

So if you looking for a new baby gift, please drop by your local Target and pick up the So Easy Baby Food Kit. (I apologize for the shameless plug, but if not me, then who?)

Along with this great news, I wanted to let you know about an exciting new Book Club that my good friend CK is developing at

This is a great concept that ties old media (books) to new media (the web) together. Basically, you sign up, buy the book (or you may win it), read it, and participate in discussions about the book. Ck is a lot of fun and I have no doubt she’ll attract some interesting folks to the book club discussions.

Sounds interesting, right? I thought so, which is why I joined right away. I like to read business books and I always find a lot value in discussing them with other people too.

Click here for more info on CK’s book club.

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