Throw Out The Long Term Plan – Do Something Now

From a post on 37 signals:

A couple of Getting Realish ideas spotted in Best Life magazine:

Greg Gianforte is the author of “Bootstrapping Your Business: Start and Grow a Successful Company With Almost No Money.” In Follow Your Dream, he advises throwing out your five-year plan and focusing on building something now instead.

Gianforte describes how to build a company from sales rather than enlisting professional financiers. The secret is to stop sweating your five-year plan and start moving the product from day one. If your business idea requires more money than you have at hand, then shrink the idea.

“An entrepreneur getting started doesn’t need a $100 million idea,” says Gianforte. “A $1 million idea is enough. The beauty of a $1 million idea is that big companies don’t care about it. Find a niche within a niche.”

Seems a bit dangerous to me to give such advice without context, but the gyst illustrates a “get out and do” or “stop pontificating” point of view which might give people the kick in the pants they need to go sell.

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