Tiger Woods has 2 Coaches. You?

I’ve been sick with bronchitis the past 10 days. It kept me at home away from infecting my StartupNation teammates all last week. I’d work for a while and then lie on the couch for a while. After several days, anything on television was non-interesting. Reading wasn’t a good option. If I was well enough to read, I’d sit at the computer and work. Finally, on Thursday ….

Thank God for the Masters golf tournament!! Yes, I can tell you everything you want (or don’t want) to know about the 2007 Masters or the history of the Masters tournament for that matter. I’m not a golfer. Well, I can golf – I actually was putting for par on the 18th hole with my new mother-in-law this past summer. (Oh, the things that newlyweds will do) I didn’t sink that putt and then actually 3 putted for a double bogey, which brings me to my point!!

Did you know that Tiger Woods has 2 coaches? He actually might have more than that, but I know that he has at least 2. The best golfer on the planet realizes the need for coaching to continue to improve his game.

We’re building entrepreneurial coaching coursework at StartupNation. We’d love your input to influence the direction of StartupNation Coaching. We’ve put up a 1-page survey to gather your input. There is a link to the survey in the left margin on the main coaching page. Once you complete the survey you’ll have a chance at winning a Canon Powershot A540 digital camera.

What kind of coach would you want if you had a coach?

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