Business Book

The beginning of our book tour

By now you’ve probably heard, StartupNation: Open for Business is now on book shelves across the country. In it you’ll read great stories about entrepreneurs who’ve succeeded and the techniques and strategies that helped them win that success.

We’re in Denver kicking off our book tour – next week we’re in San Fran, L.A. and Chicago. The week after that… we have no idea!!!

For us, the book represents our love of entrepreneurship and what it can bring those who dive into running their own business. We focus on what we’re in it for — the freedom, the fulfillment, and working in a family environment we’ve cultivated between us as brothers but also with our whole (incredible) team.

Now, the rubber meets the road. The two years of organizing thoughts, prioritizing what gets included, writing and rewriting (and re-rewriting) now give way to getting the book into the hands of people who are ready to stop dreaming and start doing.

If you have creative ideas that will help us create awareness and demand for the book, we’d love to hear them. Use the comments field below!!!

As we say, “let’s start it up!”

-the Sloan bros

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