time management

Time Management 101: 6 Tips for Better Productivity

Study after study talks about how distractions affect our business and how we waste so much time. Think about it — if you can just save four minutes a day, over the course of a year, that’s approximately 24 hours. A whole extra day!

It’s time to really start taking a look at how you’re spending your time.

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Here are six tips to get you started when it comes to time management:

  1. Think of everything in 15-minute increments. Inputting that into your calendar keeps you very specific and measurable about every element you’re doing during that time.
  2. Color code everything — activities you get paid for, activities you don’t, meetings, calls, follow-ups, etc. Then when you study your calendar, you’ll roughly know how much money you made and how many leading and lagging activities you’ve had.
  3. Lower the bar. Huge goals are counterproductive when we don’t hit them. Don’t get lazy or complacent, but celebrate small wins so you can be consistent.
  4. Know when to take a break. Sometimes you have to actually put this into your calendar. Go for a walk, play a game on your phone, do whatever you need to do. Walking away from business lets you come back refreshed with a higher vibration and frequency to attack the day.
  5. Structure everything you do by becoming a master student of your calendar. Put everything onto paper and have the discipline to follow it on a consistent basis. It’s critical to be very specific, measurable and detail-oriented in all your entries.
  6. It’s tedious, but track every single minute of what you do for three days. At the end of every day, and the end of every week, study your calendar. This is how you continually find all the extra minutes.

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Remember, it takes 30 days to build a habit, so stick with these time management tips for 30 days. Then watch the minutes and hours pile up!


– Jon

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