To Launch or Not to Launch

I have been working steadily towards launching my clothing line and now that I am at the point where I can really get the ball rolling I am hesitating a bit. The economic climate is such that it is not necessarily conducive to launching a new product. Other SUN bloggers have been saying that buyers don’t necessarily want new products. I had previously thought that an injection of newness is what buyers did want because it would create incentive to buy. What sold well last year won’t necessarily sell well this year as people have already been exposed to that product and don’t need yet another of the same.

With more bad economic news day after day will people continue to spend? Will baby boomers who are starting to retire, in fact be able to retire? Have they smartly moved their retirement funds to more secure investments?

I think launching in the right marketplace is critical with of course the right product. People are still spending, in fact while travelling in Italy where goods automatically cost 50% more, I have come across quite a few Americans 35 and older who are still spending on unique products that demonstrate exceptional quality. This proves to me that even though we are in shaky economic times, it is still about having the right product at the right price at the right time.

What are your thoughts on launching at this time??

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