
How to make money….when you’re not busy!

Boy, it sure does sound like that is a silly thing to say? How do you make money when you do not have work? Well, it isn’t easy…but you can do it. My husband lost his job two months ago, after 25 years in aerospace… who has issues? He is OK though because:

1) He is married to me (his name is Mr. Kim) He! He! He!

2) He needed time off

3) He can paint a house if he needs to……

It just takes a little ingenuity…creative juices…and some old fashioned get up from your duff and go find it.

Most people say now is not the time to start a business…bull hockey! Now is the best time to start a business.


1) Costs for everything is lower (printing for business cards, manufacturing, gas etc)

2) People need your work!!!

3) Scared customers need security, assurance.  Be that safety blanket

4) Barter…Barter…Barter…Till you drop

Now, just start the right business. Find the gap in a service and make it yours, own it and be the best. Now more than ever people are looking for good customer service, I see a hugh hole there! Fill it with a service…..get the point?

I was in China last week, and let me tell you, I witnessed many of my factories tapping into areas of manufacturing that they typically do not do; just to get the business. I have even had to morph myself to fit better into this economy. Example: I will take work that I would have turned down last year. Why? Because I do not want, and will not become, a failed business statistic.

Do not cry about this slumping economy. Take advantage of it, optimize your skills to help some business survive, and prosper yourself……

Only the STRONG survives now!

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