1..2..3..Go Shopping!

EVERYONE! Please go do some shopping…..

There is a bit of good news about shopping habits, amongst all the terrible news being reported about this horrific economy.

Consumers are longing to go shopping, and retailers want to re-stock their shelves. However, both are afraid to “Just Do It”; make the first recovery move…..

The fear of overstocking store shelves is a huge driving fear factor for the stores, while the looming fear with consumers that they may not have a job soon or be able to pay their rent, is real.

What to do:

It is a catch 22. The only way to pull ourselves out of this retail rut is to produce and shop! Not go crazy mind you, but shop responsibly. I tell my clients, as consumers, they have to support the retailers by shopping in them. I tell my retailers they must support products, by taking risks with new items. Both agree, hands down!

You have to shop, to get retailers to stock and turn profit, thus creating re-orders for products.

 Seems like simple economics!

Successful Products: a product developer who wants to get a retailer to purchase their products in today’s market needs to keep these points in mind:

  • Offer New and unique products (get it evaluated first to see how new it really is)
  • Better mousetrap (do not offer the same old type of product already on the store shelves)
  • Offer a great value for the consumers
  • Offer great profit margins to the retailer, 100+% mark-up will get a product noticed by a buyer!
  • You must have unbelievable tenacity to stay in front of key people all the time
  • Turn a NO into a YES by being creative!

Always Dream Big!

Kim Babjak

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