5 More Refreshing Approaches for Your Email Newsletters

 Last week I briefly discussed five ways you can refresh your newsletters using several different style approaches. Today, I will provide you with a few more ways you can improve your email newsletters.

  • Benchmarking and Statistics —Customers and prospects are eager to hear how your company is performing. Providing benchmarking information and industry statistics will keep readers coming back for more each month.

  • Tips and Best Practices – No matter what profession, people are always interested in practical ideas and best practices they can put to use. Include quick tips in each of your newsletters and highlight any best practices that could help your users.

  • Establish Regular Columns and Features – By implementing recurring columns and topic features, subscribers will look forward to these features from one newsletter to the next.

  • Reader Surveys — Conduct reader surveys a few times throughout the year. An annual survey can uncover changing needs and interests among your readers and give you insight into new topics to write about.

  • Partner/Customer Articles — Request articles from your clients and partners. Using external sources will add credibility your email messages

Thanks for reading. I will be back soon to discuss more tips on email marketing.


Ryan Allis

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