Let ME help YOU to Shine…

We’ve hit the 70+ posts mark (or thereabouts) on Start Up Nation…which seems like sort of a milestone in a way. Balloons didn’t drop from the ceiling (yet), and 70+ is a relatively low number but I’d like to know what issues are top of mind for you by writing a short feature on your business.

Over the last year, I’ve covered:

  • innovative business ideas to help brainstorm the possibilities: knitting grannies, executives playing with trucks, products that are clearly outside the box
  • small business trends
  • business fundementals: making lessons practical for people with too much to do
  • social entreprenuerism and themes relating to engaging your community with your business
  • bookshelf suggestions
  • small business profiles: real business owners and their advice 

I’d like to learn more about your business and your thoughts on the future.

We'd like to hear from you....really!
I’d like to hear from you….really!


Write me at: [email protected] to be featured.

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