Study proves that personalized emails are more effective

Email marketing is back in the news with some statistics that could help you improve your email campaigns. According to a recent study by the Aberdeen Group, companies that targeted and personalized their emails received 57% more orders than those that sent out non-personalized emails (, July 28, 2008). The study also found that 96% of companies and organizations realize that personalization is important, but few of them have the information necessary to make their emails truly personal to their customers.

I’ve spoken at length in the past about why message personalization is important to help reinforce the bond between your business and your customers. Now more than ever, your subscribers are more selective about what they read because of the sheer volume of emails they receive on a daily basis. The best way to keep your subscribers engaged is to include relevant, accurate, and interesting content about your company that is appealing to them.

Having your subscribers’ names in the message header is an important step in the message personalization process. iContact has a tool that allows you to insert the first name of a subscriber into the message subject or body simply by typing the words “[fname]” (this stands for “first name”) in the appropriate place.

Basically, if you aren’t using message personalization techniques in your messages, your business is missing out on a huge source of potential revenue. Thanks for reading, and I’ll be back next time with more advice for your email marketing campaigns.


Ryan Allis

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