An Entrepreneur’s Theory of Relativity: You and “Them”

You gotta love Albert Einstein. Relativity speaking, I’m not sure what he was blessed with more – genius or sense of humor.

For example, check out this quote by him:

When you sit with a nice girl for two hours you think it’s only a minute. But when you sit on
a hot stove for a minute you think it’s two hours. That’s relativity. -Albert Einstein

That one’s genius AND funny!

And on the heels of my recent “Moonrise” blog, I got to thinking about a provocative question that CraigL asked. It was something like, “Is your ‘Moonrise’ to be defined by you or by others’ perceptions of your work?”

Thanks for the probing, CraigL.

Relativity: You and “Them”

Here’s my answer. Your entrepreneurial success, your level of entrepreneurial success, are all relative. Success can be defined by you and “them”, whoever they are. How the conclusion shakes out totally depends on perspective. And the reason why I’m writing today is to make sure you recognize that BOTH perspectives matter.

If you define yourself as successful, but you aren’t perceived that way externally, you’re in a tough spot – the marketplace will not ascribe to you the credibility or kudos you seek or have the positive associations with your brand that they otherwise would.

If “they” define you as successful but you don’t define yourself that way, A)you won’t be a gratified person and B)you won’t radiate the appealing confidence of someone on top of their game.

It’s critical that you establish internal and external definitions for success and that you make sure that you work hard to achieve those definitions. Relatively speaking, it’s important.

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