Apple’s new iPhone

Ravenous. That’s how I describe the scene today at SouthPark Mall in Charlotte, NC. My wife and I were goofing around and thought we would check out the Apple store. Bad idea for my sanity but a great example of branding at its best. So when I got home, I checked YouTube & to see what the most popular videos and stories were for the day … You guessed it. The iPhone. 

Steve Jobs has done it again. For all the critics, he has also created one of the most passionate followings of any brand. Think Mercedes or Nike or even Pepsi (or Coke). Loyalists. 

As I punch this out on my iBook, I dare say I fall into a similar category. I’m a loyalist, too. 

Computer? Mac (though my CTO refuses to accept it)
Beer? Sierra Nevada
Car? Chevy Tahoe (I love it)

Loyalty. There’s something admirable to say about that. 
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