business on main street

Is your teen an Entrepreneur?

Teen Entrepreneurs Maybe your teen isn’t the captain of the football team or the cheerleading squad – But, maybe they can be a captain of industry!  Dwayne Farnsworth, America’s Youth Entrepreneur Coach, shares with you how to nurture the entrepreneurial traits in your teenager. Teen entrepreneurs are all around us.

Youth and teens today are very entrepreneurial. According to the Kaufman Foundation, more than half of all Millenials (54%) either want to start a business, or have already started one. The teens of today will reach adulthood in an economic environment and time completely different than what their parents experienced.

Isn’t it ironic when you tell your teen something and they roll their eyes, but when their Uncle Bob says exactly the same thing, suddenly it is the most valuable lesson they ever learned? Dwayne helps you bridge that communication gap with your child and helps you pass along your lifetime of knowledge in a structured, fun and interesting way.

Dwayne’s YES!Discovery Seminars provide support for what you want your child to be – successful!

The 3-day seminar teaches your teen the fundamentals of running a business.  YOUR future entrepreneur creates a business idea and learns what it takes to bring it to market.  Your teen will gain experience in team building, communication, critical thinking and problem solving skills that will help them today and in whatever career they choose.

Begin your child’s journey to understanding business and becoming an entrepreneur with YES!Discovery.  Go to to register for the YESDiscovery seminar closest to your teen.

About Dwayne Farnsworth

Dwayne Farnsworth, America’s Young Entrepreneur Coach, has been teaching teens and young adults for many years. He has taught on the campus of Arizona State University, and is currently an Adjunct Professor of Law in Phoenix, AZ.

Most importantly, he has been an entrepreneur since he was young; selling newspapers, candy, home grown organic vegetables to local markets, and table grapes that he purchased from local farmers and sold door to door. All this before he turned 13 years old! He spent his teenage years working & hustling his services as well.

For years now Dwayne has advised and counseled small business owners throughout Arizona on how to start, improve, and grow their businesses.

He is presently the managing partner for three Arizona law firms.

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