Buzz Term: Sustainability

from The Environmental Leader…

The term “sustainability” peaked on blogs, boards and discussion groups after the February 25 telecast of The Oscars as Al Gore’s “Inconvenient Truth” took home the Oscar for Documentary Feature. Nonetheless, “sustainability” has remained a persistent issue in the blogosphere, with buzz levels on this term up 169 percent in July 2007 versus one year ago, Nielsen BuzzMetrics reports.

“Fueled by Al Gore, growing media attention, and other factors, these higher, lasting buzz levels suggest sustainability is further becoming a deep-rooted priority in consumers’ lives,” said Greg Thornhill, VP and Practice Lead, CPG, Nielsen BuzzMetrics. “For marketers, this new era of sustainability means they must prepare for rising consumer awareness and scrutiny in everything they do and how it relates to the future good of the planet.”


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