Thank God for Entrepreneurs

It happens to me every day. Actually, it happens all day long. My life is impacted by an entrepreneur. Not only because I am a part of the StartupNation team and get to interact with entrepreneurs and people who are still working at their careers and dreaming about starting their own business. That is, of course, extremely cool.

For example, check out the story of Sara Blakely and Spanx, the footless panty hose brand that Sara started with $5,000 of personal savings and is now achieving revenues of over $40 Million! Sara spent the entire hour on StartupNation Radio with the Sloan brothers this past weekend. No, I don’t wear Spanx products, but Sara told us on the radio that some men do.

Almost everything I do all day long had its genesis in the mind of an entrepreneur. Cars, phones, coffee, clothes, & on & on.

But once in a while a very special entrepreneur makes a very special life impact. Our 9-year old cat Joshua had a hole in his eye so big that our vet said nothing could be done to save it. The eye would have to be removed. Suzanne and I chose not to accept that diagnosis and took Josh to a veterinary ophthalmology specialist. He grafted the cornea back together, saved the eye AND restored Joshua’s sight!

Way to go Dr. Lorimer. Thanks for taking your skill as a vet and becoming an entrepreneur by opening up a hospital to make people’s lives happier.

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