
4 Inspirational Podcasts Entrepreneurs Should Tune in To

When I’m driving or taking my dog for a walk, I like to listen to books or podcasts. It makes me feel like I am accomplishing two things at once, and I like to take this time as an opportunity to learn something new. These are my four favorite podcasts, each of which I highly recommend to my fellow entrepreneurs looking for inspiration.

Marketing School with Neil Patel and Eric Siu

Digital marketing gurus Neil Patel and Eric Siu teamed up to create an awesome podcast, Marketing School, where they share daily digital marketing lessons that appeal to any web-based business. Additionally, they touch on productivity hacks that make for a well-organized team.

I’ve found that many of the SEO tips Patel and Siu teach have increased my site’s rankings on search engines. The resources and classes they share in each episode are something that I would have even thought to look for. I’ve made tuning in a part of my daily routine, as the episodes are short, each running five to seven minutes long.

Related: 5 Financial Podcasts Entrepreneurs Need to Listen to in 2018

The James Altucher Show

For a slightly longer podcast including interviews with various successful people about business advice, I enjoy listening to the James Altucher Show. Altucher’s past interviewees include comedian Paul Reiser, correspondent for ABC Dan Harris, and well-known psychologist Linda Papadopoulos.

I appreciate the raw truth that each guest shares about his or her life, and how they got to where they are today. The guests on the James Altucher Show encourage me to keep going even when I feel like throwing in the towel, because they’ve all overcome obstacles in order to become successful. They help me maintain a positive attitude and remain a leader that encourages my staff to go the extra mile.

Revisionist History by Malcolm Gladwell

I stumbled across the Revisionist History, a podcast that definitely requires an open mind. Malcolm Gladwell takes a half hour or so to explain his interpretation of a topic he finds fascinating. In doing so, he often changes your perception of an otherwise misunderstood event or person.

As an entrepreneur, there are numerous stresses that come with the territory, and reacting too quickly can add fuel to the fire. Listening to the podcast reminds me to take a step back before I react in my daily business dealings. Gladwell’s unique perspective inspires me with ways to make the world more kind, equitable and to not always assume the worst.

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The Art of Charm

I highly recommend The Art of Charm to entrepreneurs everywhere. The guests include academics, relationship experts and other brilliant minds sharing the psychology behind social science and behavioral economics.

The business and creative social skills discussed have helped me continue to build strong business relationships, as well as how to have tough conversations when necessary. I believe The Art of Charm is a great podcast to help improve communication skills, as the different guests share their stories and how they dealt with adversity.

The advice, skills and insights presented in these podcasts have helped me grow as an individual, which has then carried over into making my startup more organized, efficient and profitable.

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