5 Killer B2B Digital Strategies

Companies that sell to other businesses (Business-To-Business, or B2B), know that there are certain aspects to their online marketing that take on added importance when compared to Business-To-Consumer, or B2C, online marketing.

In order to fuel business growth online, B2B firms should explore the following five killer B2B digital strategies:

1. Speak to the Right People
Make sure that your B2B website speaks to the right level of person within the organization. For example, an engineer might prioritize lots of product-related specifications and answers to “how” your product/service works. On the other hand, a VP or C-level executive might instead be seeking proof of return on investment (ROI). The language and contents of your website should be aligned to your target audience.

2. Build Tons of Trust
Businesses are risk averse. A prospective buyer at a company wants to know who you are and why they should trust you. So, be direct in building trust by pointing out how many customers you have (e.g., “Over 10,000 Satisfied Customers!”) or your geographic coverage (e.g., “In All 50 States!,” “Sold in More than 10 Countries”), awards, recognition, customer testimonials, industry leadership, etc. And finally, prove that you truly understand how to solve their problems – make this as tangible as possible through case studies, customer profiles and white papers.

3. Setup Multiple Lead Capture Vehicles
The B2B buying cycle can be much longer than the B2C buying cycle. To that end, you should setup multiple lead capture vehicles that align to the various stages of the B2B buying cycle, whether awareness, consideration, evaluation or purchase. Offer information products, online tools, widgets, Ask the Expert, demos, etc. that satisfy their evolving needs as they get closer to the purchase phase.

4. Identify Your Most Profitable Leads Through Lead Scoring
Not all leads are created equal, and you will achieve dramatically better results if you start scoring your leads. Analyze the traits, characteristics and behavior of your best customers, assigning a score to each lead, and treat high quality leads like VIPs. Try developing a microsite, special offers or exclusive content just for VIPs, and give them the extra, customized attention that will give you the edge over any competition taking a cookie-cutter approach to their leads.

5. Automate, Automate, Automate
Leverage online applications that empower you to automate many marketing, sales and customer management tasks. Applications such as Infusionsoft help you achieve a lot even if you run a lean or solo operation, by combining CRM (Customer Relationship Management), email marketing and eCommerce in helping you to capture leads online, segment your list, manage your contacts and automate your workflow.

These are just a few tips to help you create a great B2B website and great B2B digital strategies that drive your business growth. If you need additional help or guidance, please feel free to leave a comment below. Thanks!

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