Endless Ideas for Your Blog

If you maintain a blog for your business, you’ve probably had days when your mind went blank. When the idea fountain stopped flowing. When your brain hit a brick wall.

It’s quite natural, actually. If you are writing on a regular schedule, it can be difficult at times to generate fresh, new ideas for your blog posts.

To help you in such frustrating times when you simply cannot think of what to write about, here is a list of potential blog ideas so you always have something exciting to say.

Blog Ideas

  • Write about a recent customer challenge
  • Write an interesting customer case study (with the customer’s permission, or keep it anonymous)
  • Google relevant keywords related to your area of focus
  • Check out Google News for such keywords
  • Check out Google Blog Search for such keywords
  • Check out Digg
  • Check out Delicious
  • Check out StumbleUpon
  • Conduct a poll or survey and write about the results
  • Interview someone
  • Get a guest blogger to write a post for you
  • Create a “how-to”
  • Write a tutorial
  • Write a post for beginners (e.g., Blog Writing 101)
  • Simplify a complex topic for your readers
  • Review new products
  • Review new tools or technology
  • Review a book
  • Review a conference or trade show
  • Head to the bookstore and check out the latest titles
  • Create a monthly “Series” on a specific topic
  • Capture the latest trends in your industry
  • Predict the future
  • Take a walk and allow yourself to simply think
  • Write about the pros & cons of an issue
  • Do an in-depth analysis of an industry challenge
  • Create a list (e.g., The Top 101 Ways to Save Money)
  • Create a checklist
  • Debunk a myth
  • Brainstorm with employees
  • Brainstorm with customers

These are just a few suggestions to help you keep the content flowing with fresh blog ideas on a consistent basis. If you need additional help, let me know below. Thanks!

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