Do You Have a Simple, SEO Message?


You are finished with your search engine optimization (SEO) keyword research and ready to write.

You turn on your computer and stare at the monitor.

You write a few words. “No. That doesn’t sound right.”


You stare at the monitor a little longer. You’ve got nothin’.

Then, it hits you. Ugh! Writer’s block!

Has this happened to you?

Don’t worry. You are not alone. But, I do have a simple suggestion for you that may help.

Before you start writing any SEO copy, ask yourself this question:

What is the one thing you want site visitors to do when they read this page of your site?

Do you want site visitors to:

  • Register for your newsletter?
  • Find out more about a specific product?
  • Respond to a survey?
  • Call a sales representative?

By asking what you want site visitors to do on each page of your site, you’ll be able to focus on exactly what you need to write.

And if you’re still not sure, ask yourself these questions: 

  • What can I write to get site visitors to do this one, specific action?
  • If I was a target audience-member, what kind of information would I need to do this specific action?
  • What’s in it for my site visitors if they do this particular action?
  • How can I provide value to my target market while getting them to do this action?

Once you know exactly what you want site visitors to do on a specific page of your site, and the benefits they will receive by doing so, it will be much easier to start writing. Just focus on your message and try to sprinkle in your SEO keywords in headers, links and throughout the copy.

And remember…

Keep Your SEO Copywriting Message Simple.

If you stick to one, key message on each page of your Website, you’ll help site visitors avoid confusion and know exactly what they need to do when they are finished reading.

And more importantly, you can test the results for the specific message you are trying to convey. Simply check your analytics (via Google or another service) once you post your new Web pages. 

  • Are site visitors doing the single, call-to-action you want them to do on each Web page?
  • What changes could you make to the page so that more site visitors take the action you want them to take?

Make some copy changes, test them and see if you get better results.

Got Value?

SEO copywriting is all about providing value to your customers. By sticking to a single, call-to-action for each of your Web pages, it will be much easier to focus on good, SEO copy, give your target audience-members what they want and test messaging for the best results.

Do you need help with your SEO copywriting to boost sales and awareness? Feel free to contact me here or at

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