Small Bust Leads to AA Lingerie PR Success

Yesterday, Retha Queenan of AA Lingerie,, shared some of her insights. She turned her need for a stylish, well-fitted bra into a successful, worldwide business that is garnering national media attention.

Here are more of her tips to help you do the same thing!

What kind of challenges and rewards do you see with pursuing new business in America?

The biggest challenge, I think, will be to ensure sufficient stock for the anticipated sharp rise in demand.

However, since we already deal with a large number of suppliers, with whom we enjoy solid relationships of trust and good credit facilities, it is hoped that this will be a manageable challenge.

The rewards will be numerous. The most important one will be the customer benefit of access to an even wider range of products, as our increased volumes would mean that we can fund an increasing inventory of styles and band- sizes.

Why do you think Americans will like what you have to offer?

I believe that our product/service will meet a largely unmet requirement for small-busted women. Many women who are AA cup-sized and smaller are, as I once was, defeatist about finding bras anywhere, and simply go bra-less, wear only non-cup-sized underwear, such as cropped tops, or purchase bras in the wrong size altogether.

I trust they will be delighted to discover our wide range of appropriately sized, pretty and affordable lingerie for all occasions.

Will you pursue similar publicity and marketing efforts for the American audience?

Yes, I am hoping to do in the U.S. what has worked well in the U.K. If it works as well in the U.S., the sky will be the limit for small busted women and AA Lingerie!

What tips do you have for business owners who want to pursue customers on an international basis?

Pilot your ideas locally first. Pursue what has worked locally. Ditch what hasn’t. When choosing which other countries to target first in your international campaign, make your selection scientifically.

For example, consider factors like similarities such as culture, language, buying habits, logistics of getting your product/service to your customer, and the logistics of processing payment.

Do you have any other insights you’d like to share with the StartupNation audience?

Carry out our research and analysis then trust your instincts! Assess the success of your marketing efforts (and other strategies) frequently, and be bold enough to admit your mistakes and change tack if required.

Have faith and grace; keep your sense of humor!

Thanks so much Retha! We wish you all the best!

If you’d like to reach Retha, feel free to contact her via

You can also send me your comments and questions below or at I’m here to help!

P.S. If you have a PR success story, please let me know. You may get the opportunity to share your story with the StartupNation audience too!

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