Tips for a Successful Telemarketing Campaign During the Holidays

1. Be Unforgettable

Often companies are not as aggressive during the holiday season since they assume most other businesses will just tell them to call back after the new year has begun. While this may generally be true, there is still plenty to gain by getting your name out there. If a company tells you to call back after New Years, have your telemarketing service set up appointments for an exact time and day. This way you already have calls set up in advance while most of your competition is starting from scratch after the holidays.

2. Spread the Holiday Spirit

The holidays are a great time for non-profit organizations to benefit from the giving spirit. People are in the mood for charity and more likely to contribute. The same is true for colleges and universities, where alumni can be feeling extra sentimental and want to contribute funds. Nonprofits, and educational institutions are both two industries that can benefit from having their call centers call current or former students and contributors. A quick hint is to have the call center staffed with current students so alumni feel a bond with the caller.

3. Tell Shoppers about Holiday Specials

If you own a retail shop, or online store, more than likely you have special offerings around this time of you. It’s not enough to just display signs or advertise on your website anymore. You need to tell your customers about the deals via email campaigns and telemarketing calls. A good call center will work with you to draft a script that is concise and to the point so your customers know in 15 seconds about the deals. If they are a frequent shopper, they’ll be happy to save money. Just make sure your message is clear and the sales staff at the call center is friendly and in the holiday spirit. To find a good call center, fill out a simple form describing your needs and we can connect you to up to 5 companies for free.

4. Get Ready for the New Year

With a new year beginning most businesses review the previous year and critique revenue, sales and marketing strategies.  Take advantage of this time of year to forecast new goals, partnerships and strategies to make this next year better. You can even start early and line up calls with companies you want to partner with and get on their calendars early.

5. Creativity is Key

Lastly, make sure to ask your telemarketing provider of fun and creative ways to get your message out for the holidays. Consumers are going to be stressed and tired, so be sure to take this into account with each call that is made. You need to make people feel like you are taking some of the burden off of their shoulders instead of adding to it, so be sure to let them know early in the call how you can help them find great deals with little work. You need to give them a reason to stay on the line.

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