Life Plan in action: a “do what you love” podcast business

I am a subscriber to 5 podcasts:

StartupNation Radio
Entrepreneurial Tips with the Sloan Brothers
• Adam Curry’s Daily Source Code
• The President’s Weekly Radio Address
• Roots Rock Radio

You’re surely familiar with StartupNation, the Sloan Brothers, Adam Curry if you’re a podcast listener, and the President. But what’s the deal with Roots Rock Radio?

Richard Taylor loves a special brand of music called Roots Rock. He puts together a weekly hour-long podcast filled with his favorite music and he plays the role of DJ. Richard’s podcast, Roots Rock Radio, presents the best of indie Roots Rock, alt Country, Americana, Garage Rock, rockin’ Rhythm & Blues, indie Pop/Rock, indie Rockabilly, and indie Rock & Roll from around the globe.

I love it. I found the podcast about 9 months ago and look forward to hearing the great music that Richard selects and also learning a bit about him & his lifestyle living outside Baltimore, Maryland.

Here’s a great example of someone taking a lifestyle passion and turning it into a part-time small business. Richard hasn’t yet added advertising to his podcast – he accepts donations from listeners to offset the costs of creating the show. He says that it takes about 8 hours to produce his weekly show. But his indie podcast was just reviewed in Rolling Stone Magazine on the same page as Pearl Jam, Cheryl Crow, Sting, Pete Townshend, The Rolling Stones & Neil Young.

I don’t know if Richard would like to quit his day job, he also has his own band Richard Taylor & the Ravers, but I just bet that if he wanted to, he’d make a success of it.

The great part of this is that here’s a guy who’s simply doing what he loves. He has thousands of listeners all over the world and he’s done it all in grassroots, word of mouth fashion.

Richard, you rock.

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