Austin Rocks with Friendliness

I just got back from my first trip to Austin, Texas. And as excited as I am to share all of the new insights I learned to help my clients with their Web copywriting, PPC, e-mail campaigns, and SEO, I learned something even more important…the value of a smile.

Now, I have never been to Texas, and I couldn’t believe how friendly everyone was! Especially at the airport. From the taxi driver to the flight attendant to the guy selling coffee, everyone made you feel like a valued customer.

Maybe I’m just used to “fake” attitudes in Hollywood, but I was genuinely impressed with the people of Austin. And it rubbed off on me. I’m finding that I’m a little more optimistic today, and I slip in a “Hi Y’all” every now and then.

It just goes to show you that it doesn’t take much to change your attitude…or those of your customers. So try to fit in an extra smile today. Who knows? You just might land that major media interview, new client or dream job!�

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