StartupNation on ABC News Now, helps an entrepreneur in need

Tory Johnson, frequent reporter on ABC’s Good Morning America show and anchor of the ABC NewsNow series focusing on careers asked for a little StartupNation love recently. One of her faithful fans, Natalie, of ChicSweets, asked for ideas about how to move her business forward on a variety of levels, especially in the transition from part-time to full-time.

Click on the image below to learn Natalie’s challenges and my recommendations.

As I say at the end of the interview, Natalie’s really on the right track here. She has a day job and has started ChicSweets part-time, ramping it up slowly but surely with little risk so she can gracefully step away from her day job when everything is ship-shape with ChicSweets and not a moment before.

Note also that I got a great tip/idea from fellow StartupNation member Carli Kiene of Inked Fingers Photography to help Natalie drum up business in the wedding planning arena. Thanks Carli!!!

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