StartupNation Community Podcast Has Launched !!

Yee-Haw !!! Whoopee !! Whoa Nellie !!

The brand new StartupNation Community Podcast is rockin’ and it’s a rollin’!

It may have been a bit of a sneak attack, coming in under the cloak of darkness … but the light is shining on it now, and there’s no more flying under the radar.

You WANT to know what’s happenin’ in the StartupNation community. You NEED to know what’s happenin’ in the StartupNation community. People are telling stories, brainstorming breakthroughs, shouting triumphs from mountaintops and connecting across great divides to build their small businesses from scratch to success.

The first five community podcasts are already live! Each podcast features a StartupNation community member and also has tips & updates on the latest & coolest stuff happening in the StartupNation community. There also is a song by an independent musician entrepreneur in every podcast – it TOTALLY rocks!

#1 Life Plan For a Ballplayer features cdurbinrhp and music from the Lascivious Biddies.

#2 Bootstrapping to Raise Startup Funds features Eric and music from Matthew Ebel.

#3 Helping Connecting Laughing features Kathy and music from Adrina Thorpe.

#4 Find Answers to Everything features Ginny and music from 46bliss.

#5 Community Brainpower features theswaynester and music from Brother Love.

Ever wonder what chief community officer Joel Welsh (that’s me) sounds like? Or how about your favorite StartupNation community members? Listen to the community podcasts and find out! They’re short & hard-hitting, to-the-point conversations – about 6 minutes with a featured community member, 6 minutes with cool StartupNation info from Joel & 4 minutes of some really great music from an independent artist.

You GOTTA put the StartupNation Community Podcast on your list!

Get Connected!

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