Using multiple web channels to boost your marketing campaigns

One of the major advantages of the web is that it makes cross promotion simple.
This is easy when you use multi-channel marketing. For example, I typically use
blogs, RSS feeds, surveys, and videos to communicate with my
customers. However, when I want to convey the most important information, I
always use email.

If you publish to multiple places, you can easily direct people to your other
channels. Just place a link in your emails that says something like "Want
to keep up to date with us on a day-to-day basis? Check out our blog." Or,
on your blog: "For special insider information and sales for our new
products, sign up for a free email newsletter." Just make sure that,
especially with your email newsletter, you explain how frequently you will send
the newsletters.

If you use a program like iContact, you can easily accomplish a multi-channel
strategy. You can maintain multiple email lists, blogs, and RSS feeds without
having to use multiple programs. It makes it easy to virally market your
messages and reach a wider audience.

Next time, I'll talk about using VIP lists to target your most active


Ryan Allis

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