Read More WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Business Travel is Making a Comeback (Episode 245) On today’s Business Beat, Jeff discusses the reemergence of business travel post-pandemic. In fact, 96% of business travelers… byStartupNationJune 23, 2021
Presidential Branding Looks like the Obama’s should have registered their last name to enjoy ongoing royalties. Some interesting examples of… byChristine HaskellMay 19, 2009
Micro is the New Macro From Business Week: MBAs Go Micro “For years, small companies have had trouble competing with the larger firms… byChristine HaskellApril 13, 2009
The New-New Store Front Interesting article in this Sunday’s NYTimes about vanishing store fronts. …[Store fronts signs] are artifacts of consumer culture… byChristine HaskellApril 8, 2009
Innovative Business Idea: Looking for one? In this economy, people are selling everything. Ebay, Etsy and other such retail hubs are increasingly popular. But… byChristine HaskellApril 7, 2009
Innovative Idea: Big Companies Get Creative, Are You? William Sonoma and Pottery Barn are offering in store classes. Everyone gets the main need to do these:… byChristine HaskellMarch 19, 2009
Espresso Shot Insight: More granny businesses Grandmothers have many great qualities. This idea had a “Greatest Generation” ring to it: Capturing their ability to make… byChristine HaskellMarch 4, 2009
All in the Family – The perfect niche businesses I know these aren’t sustainable businesses, but they are the perfect niche businesses. Seems to be part of… byChristine HaskellAugust 1, 2008
What’s OUT! What’s IN! The ‘Wayne Gretzky’ Small Business Trend Spotting Strategy Out: heal-hurting leather-soled dress shoes Out: Clothes Out: Web 1.0 In: run-through-the-airport rubber-soled dress shoes In: Working from… byJoel WelshSeptember 26, 2006