Video content

Creating and Marketing Engaging Video Content

In today’s world of marketing, everyone strives to create a video that that grabs consumer’s attention, keeps their attention and ultimately goes viral. But most importantly, what makes effective video content in the first place?

As an entrepreneur, how can you improve your video marketing strategy and create something that truly encompasses your business? These five principals are sure to help you create phenomenal video content that engages your audience, no matter the industry.

Create for your audience

Good content is critical for an effective marketing video. When deciding what would work best, remember your audience and any audience you wish to tap into. The voice you project should feel tailored to that of your audience.

Create memorable content

Synchronizing the voice of your audience with your business is not enough alone to make a compelling marketing video. On average, a person watches up to 32 videos a month, according to research conducted by Aumcore, and that number is only going to rise. We are all bombarded by content every day, so anything you create for your brand must be memorable. Be creative! Creating instructional or comedic videos will give you a better chance of going viral.

Also on Video Marketing for Beginners

Keep it short and sweet

All video marketing services will tell you that any video content you create has to be short. As a society, we are moving faster than ever before and nothing reflects that sentiment better than the content we consume. We have gone from six-second stories to six-second clips that thousands of people can view millions of times. Now, we have only 10 seconds to grab the attention of someone watching. Twenty percent of people click away after only ten seconds, 60 percent completely stop by two minutes and the number only rises after that, according to research conducted by Aumcore. Any and all content you create has to get to the point quickly. Remember to strike a balance between creating something that is memorable and attention grabbing, while emphasizing the point of the video in a time span as quick as your audience’s attention span.

Tag it up

Once your video is created, you have to market it. A title that pops, a transcript and even basic tags seen on any YouTube page will greatly increase your the reach of your content. Imagine that your content is money and you have now put it in the bank. Sure, it will grow interest over time, a few views here and there, but there is a way to make it grow and flourish into something spectacular. Adding tags is like playing the stocks that you cannot lose. By marketing your video, you are sure to see a greater increase in shares than just having it sit on your YouTube page.

Be social

Tagging is just one essential step in marketing video content; social media is another vital one. YouTube is the premier video-sharing site, but by uploading your content to Facebook, Twitter and even Instagram, there is a greater chance it will be seen by a larger audience. Email is still an incredible tool marketers must utilize, as well. Embedding a video in an email increases click-through rate by 200 to 300 percent, according to research conducted by Aumcore. These are numbers that no marketer can ignore, and stresses the importance of videos in a marketing strategy.

It is no surprise that the power of video content is not slowing down. YouTube reports that mobile video is being watched 100 percent more each year. In order to create a successful video campaign, you must first create a successful marketing strategy that does not end when the camera stops rolling.

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