Watch Out for These Scary Things on Your Website!

Happy Halloween!

There is a lot of scary stuff out there, but you may be unaware of some things that are really frightening and happening right in your office!

For example, when was the last time you reviewed your Website?

If you have been busy focusing on your core responsibilities as a business owner, months may have passed since you last looked at your site. If this is the case, you are probably losing sales without knowing it, and that is really scary!

To end this ugly situation, look at your Website and ask yourself these questions:

  • Is your content old?

If you have press releases, copyright dates and “news” posted from several weeks (or years) ago, your site looks like a ghost town, and you are losing credibility. Update your site with new information so it looks like “someone is home” and that you provide current information to your customers.

  • Do all of your links work?

If your landing-pages aren’t bringing in sales, it may because you have broken links to them. Check all of the links on your site to confirm they work and go to the right places. If potential customers click on links that aren’t working, you may lose sales!

  • Is all of your spelling and grammar correct?

This may seem obvious, but if you don’t have well-written copy on your site that includes appropriate grammar and spelling, your business will look less professional. Review your site and fix the errors. And if you aren’t a writer, hire a freelance copywriter to upgrade your content. After all, this is money well spent on copy that actually brings in sales.

Is Your Site Spooking Your Customers?

If you want to increase sales, don’t forget about your Website. It may be turning away potential business as you read this!

Keep your site up-to-date with the latest news and information about your business, check all of your links for accuracy and review your content to make sure it is correct and provides valuable information. This way, you’ll give a credible, first-impression to site visitors. Then, they’ll be more likely to stay on your site to find out about your products and services.

Do you need help updating your Website with SEO copy that sells? Please write to me here or at

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