Interactive Content

Interactive Content: How to Keep Your Audience Engaged

It’s difficult to keep your audience engaged when they feel as though you’re talking at them, rather than talking with them. It’s easy to keep scrolling past a block of text if it doesn’t intrinsically call to you, and this may affect the way your audience views and uses your content. As an entrepreneur, creating interactive content will help keep your audience engaged through participation, more so than reading a piece of text or viewing an image.

Below, find five ways to keep your audience engaged with interactive content:

Create a game

If you’re marketing a product or service, you may be able to create a game that simulates that experience. How do you manufacture or sell? By providing a game, you’re not only explaining the inner-workings of your business to your customer, you’re also keeping them interested in your brand. People love competing and mastering games. Try working with a flash game designer or an app developer.

Give a tour

Have you ever considered creating an interactive tour of your workspace? This provides your audience with an opportunity to get to know the people behind your business. Customers really love sneak peeks and learning what’s going on behind the scenes. You’re building a deeper connection with your audience, and that connection involves a familiarity that inspires loyalty. Make sure you include fun facts and trivia about your company to foster that bond.

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Offer a quiz

Check your personal Facebook. How many of your friends share results from internet quizzes they’ve taken? Quizzes are fun and easy, and incredibly simple to develop. Pick a topic that pertains to your business, and offer a humorous quiz with viral value. You may find that your audience is eager to interact with the quiz, and by sharing results may even boost your visibility within their personal circles.

Hold a contest

People love to win. Any kind of contest, especially if it involves the possibility of getting something for free, is sure to get your audience excited. Give away a product or service to celebrate an important milestone within your business. In order to drive higher engagement for your contest, use hashtags on social media, or encourage photo sharing as a method of entry.

Provide valuable surveys

Not all surveys are created equal. You may have found that customers are less inclined to answer exit surveys with feedback, especially if there is no incentive to do so. Raffle entries for prizes or gift cards don’t have as large of a draw as you may have expected, because customers don’t see the promise of receiving something as realistic.

It’s time to get creative with your surveys. Create exclusive surveys based on consumer feedback. Emphasize that every customer’s voice is valuable, and his/her input can help shape the future of your business. Offer complimentary products or services for valued customers, allowing them to provide crucial feedback through these surveys.

You’ll always have better luck with interactive content than you will with virtually any other kind of content you provide. People love getting involved with things, and interactive content is stimulating. Just make sure that whatever method of interactive content you select will provide valuable results for your business. Never create content just for the sake of creating it – everything should have a purpose.

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