Marketing Demand

How to Create Marketing Demand for Your Unknown Startup

You’ve developed an innovative product or service that you just know is a potential game changer in your industry. You’ve carefully tested it and worked out the bugs. Now you’re ready to introduce it to the world! There’s only one problem: nobody knows your startup (or your product) exists. Even if everyone knew your product existed, how would you convince your market that your product will make their life better?

Generating demand for your unknown product or service isn’t always easy, but by following some smart strategies, it will happen! Here are six demand generation strategies you’ll want to consider:

Create desirable content

“Desirable” is the key word here. Mediocre content is a hallmark of the Internet, and consumers know dribble when they see it. Explain why your unknown product or service will solve a problem in people’s lives, and do it in a way that entertains, informs, or provides humor.

If you don’t believe there is any way to wrap your particular product’s benefits into interesting or humorous content, take a look at some of the content produced by Dollar Shave Club or SquattyPotty for inspiration. Eye opening infographics can also generate demand for your products, along with insightful blog posts. If it’s sharable and buzz-worthy, the sky’s the limit.

Entice consumers with deep discounts and offers

How many times have you purchased new products from an unknown company the second you saw their marketing? Probably not many. Most people are resistant to new concepts or products, so offer an irresistible price cut or an attractive incentive to clinch the deal. Just remember to make it clear that this incredible low price, fee, or rate is temporary. You don’t want your customers to be disappointed when the regular price comes back.

Take advantage of Facebook’s advertising tools

For effective demand generation, Facebook has some of the most robust advertising capabilities online. One valuable tool Facebook offers is “lookalike audiences.” These customized audiences are behaviorally and demographically similar to consumers who have shown interest in your products.

The “lookalike-audiences” tool enables you to upload data you’ve generated from your real-life audiences, and build a similar audience to market to. This offering is an effective way to significantly expand the visibility of your Facebook advertising.

Also on 8 Essential Online Marketing Tools


Show the world your helpful side! If the first impression of your new company is that of a caring problem solver, customers will want to get to know you and your products. How do you show people you’re here to help? By engaging with them, of course!

Some brands have won over customers with a “white glove” approach. While most companies push everyone to email only, food tech startup TruBrain went the other direction and offered up its neuroscience PhDs on video calls to coach new customers on their sleep, stress and productivity. Most customers ended up buying their functional beverages as a result.

For example, the owner of a new exotic pets supply company might frequently conduct Twitter searches for the words “parrot” and “chinchilla.” When she sees someone tweet “I think my parrot is sick, but I’m not sure,” a perfect opportunity for engagement arises. Whether the business owner suggests a product or just gives valuable advice about parrot care, she’ll be viewed positively by anyone catching wind of such conversations. The more you engage with people and use your knowledge to help them, the more demand you’ll generate.

Focus on public relations

Don’t neglect good public relations practices! An effective PR strategy could generate demand for your business in ways you wouldn’t necessarily have been able to do on social media alone. When generating demand for your unknown startup, solid relationships with the media will be of great benefit. Either seek a reputable PR firm, or talk to journalists about the solutions your business has to offer. Also, reach out to influential bloggers who have audiences in your industry.

Display product reviews

As a general rule, consumers trust other consumers. If you’ve received rave reviews from those who have tried your products or services, display them for others to see as well! Make sure they are prominent on your website, but more importantly, find creative ways to spread these reviews on your social media channels, as well.

Marketing Demand
(Marketing demand summary)

Marketing demand conclusion

You don’t have to stop with these six tactics, but implementing them will get your new product poised for success. What’s important is that you creatively communicate your product’s benefits, reach as many potential customers as possible, and engage with people in ways that show you care. If your product is as good as you believe it to be, these techniques will boost your startup into superstardom!

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