wjr business beat

WJR Business Beat with Jeff Sloan: Put Podcasts to Work for Your Business (Episode 150)

On this morning’s WJR Business Beat, Jeff discusses the power of podcasting when it comes to your company’s content marketing.

Did you know that, according to Omdia Tech’s recent report on podcasting, global podcast ad revenue is forecast to reach $1.4 billion this year?

In the segment below, Jeff shares how to make podcasts work for your business (and drive more sales):

“So, put the power of content marketing with you as the expert to work for your business. And as a central part of that, go with the power and growing popularity of podcasts to engage your customers and gain their confidence so you can drive more sales.”

– Jeff Sloan

Tune in to News/Talk 760 AM WJR weekday mornings at 7:11 a.m. for the WJR Business Beat. Listeners outside of the Detroit area can listen live HERE.

Are you an entrepreneur with a great story to share? If so, contact us at [email protected] and we’ll feature you on an upcoming segment of the WJR Business Beat!

Good morning!

If you’re a business owner, it’s important to establish your expertise relating to what you sell. And the way to do that is to create and distribute relevant content.

When you do that, in addition to building awareness, you build customer confidence and that leads to sales. One of the most popular ways to do it is with a podcast of your own.

Look, creating a podcast is easier than you may think. There are turnkey production systems today readily available and very affordable. And there are many tools and platforms available to you to promote and distribute your podcast, as well.

Now, to be clear, we’re not asking you to become a major podcast star with millions of followers. Rather, this is the type of podcast that you could simply keep on your company website, so customers can tap into your wisdom, and so you can drive sales as a result.

You see, podcasts are very powerful because rather than simply written text on a page, you’re able to be more human and more relatable because with podcasts, people hear you expressing your ideas in your voice.

And if executed in a very natural, authentic way, in an unscripted manner, it’s a more effective medium to drive affinity, and affinity drives sales.

To put the power of podcasts in perspective, according to Omdia Tech’s recent report on podcasting, global podcast ad revenue is forecast to reach $1.4 billion this year.

So, get set up to record, create an outline of what you want to cover in each episode, find a relevant guest to interview and lay it down. Then, post it on your website, distribute soundbites and advertise on popular social media sites and even promote it in your store.

So, put the power of content marketing with you as the expert to work for your business. And as a central part of that, go with the power and growing popularity of podcasts to engage your customers and gain their confidence so you can drive more sales.

I’m Jeff Sloan, founder and CEO of StartupNation.com, and that’s today’s Business Beat on the Great Voice of the Great Lakes, WJR.

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