Zenovia Andrews Helps You ‘MaxOut’ Your Business

Whether a person is hesitant about beginning her own business and needs tips to get started, requires help implementing business systems in her pre-existing business, or wants to get on the fast track to becoming a CEO, The MaxOut Group has coaching programs to mentor her.

Let Zenovia Andrews help you ‘maxout’ your business potential!

Zenovia Andrews knows the business strategies needed to increase income, maximize productivity, and overcome workplace hardships, and she wants to share her methods with other entrepreneurs to turn their distant hopes into plans of action. Andrews, 39, is a business coach, motivational speaker, television personality, and corporate trainer. In 2010, she founded The MaxOut Group, a training and development company that is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs by teaching them development strategies. According to Andrews, entrepreneurs should not let failure be a choice.

“Give yourself no other option,” she stressed. “When you don’t have a Plan B, this is it. This has to work. So many times we give ourselves, ‘Well this could happen. I’ll try.’ No. This is going to happen, and I’m going to make it happen. My success is not an option. I’m going to do whatever it is that I have to do to be successful.”

Andrews, a current resident of Texas and Florida, was inspired to lead other entrepreneurs toward their goals after she resolved to take her success into her own hands. Despite winning multiple awards for her work during her 12 years in the pharmaceutical industry for companies including Pfizer and Novartis, the territory that she worked for was dissolved. She was given the choice between losing her job or being transferred to another state.

“At that moment, I looked at my life and I said, ‘You know what? This doesn’t work for me.’

Allowing the hands of my family’s future financially and allowing my happiness and my prosperity to be in the hands of someone else’s control, it didn’t feel good with me. It didn’t fit right. It was very uncomfortable,” Andrews recalled.

“I knew that I had worked my butt off, that I was great, that I was good at what I did, but that left me with only two choices and I didn’t like the two choices,” she added.

Instead of choosing between the options presented to her, Andrews created her own. She and her husband started their own healthcare consulting company, Rubicon Healthcare Sales Consultants, which markets compounding medicines to stores such as CVS and Walgreens, as well as to specialty doctors. It only took 12 months for them to go from making $60,000 per month to $2.2 million per year.

“What that showed me was that the gift was on the inside of me. If I could make people millions for Pfizer and Novartis then I could make them for myself,” she said.

Andrews attributes the success of Rubicon Healthcare Sales Consultants to leveraging systems in marketing, finance, sales, and operations. These same systems became the basis of The MaxOut Group. Andrews invested $150,000 of her personal funds to start the company.

Initially, she worked by herself and then built a team around her needs. Her area of expertise is consulting and evaluating businesses, so she searched for and contracted people with other skills to fill out services. Andrews recruited a graphic design team, managing director, partner, and a team of trainers to assist in operating the company.

“I started out initially by myself and [The MaxOut Group] is still growing,” she said. “What I’ve noticed is that at each level of growth, there comes new unknowns, new insecurities, new things to overcome, challenges. What I’ve learned is that as you grow as a company, your team needs to grow. And so there are systems and processes that need to be in place so that the company can continue to thrive.”

Whether a person is hesitant about beginning her own business and needs tips to get started, requires help implementing business systems in her pre-existing business, or wants to get on the fast track to becoming a CEO, The MaxOut Group has coaching programs to mentor her. The MaxOut programs vary in length from six hours to six months, allowing clients to choose the type of assistance that they feel would best fit their needs. Current program offerings include the “21 Day Max Biz Tips,” a series of videos that provide business coaching and personal development training, and “MaxOut Business Systems,” a five-week program that will teach clients how to increase profits, eliminate wasted time and effort, and implement business systems.

Andrews also provides free, no-strings-attached consultations and advice on her website’s blog.

No matter which program clients choose, the sessions are sure to be intense. Although Andrews strives to share her secrets of business success, she also warns that The MaxOut Philosophy may not fit every entrepreneur’s needs.
“I give you the blueprint and the road map but if you don’t do the work, if you’re not willing to cross the Rubicon and really go to a place where you’ve never been before, really sacrifice things that you’ve never considered sacrificing, like stop doing something that you should not do that is jeopardizing the profitability of your business, then this company is not for you,” she said.

“That philosophy is not for everybody. I’m not going to sugarcoat it. I don’t play games. I’m going to keep you accountable to your timelines and what you’re saying that you want to do and then we’re going to make some money,” Andrews added.

With thousands of self-help guides for entrepreneurs on the market, Andrews stressed that The MaxOut Group’s mentoring is unique because its philosophy is to “over serve” its clients.

“Some other similar companies, depending upon the amount of money that you spend with them, that’s the level of service that is provided,” she said. “If you haven’t paid $10,000 you don’t get much contact or much direct one-on-one support from the trainer.

“That’s not so with [The MaxOut Group]. No matter if you spend 40 bucks or 75 bucks or a $1,000 with my company, you can have direct contact with me. So our philosophy is we serve from an abundant flow, and I love to work with my clients. No matter how much money you spent with me I’m here to support you,” Andrews continued.

She was quick to note that she has noticed similarities among the problems that her clients have throughout the years. Andrews explained that one of the most stressful and common mistakes that entrepreneurs make is that they believe they have to complete all of the work on their own.

“One of the things that I’ve learned, and that I still struggle [with] as an entrepreneur and CEO is the power of delegation and then allowing those that you’ve entrusted around you to do their job,” she said.

“Once you recruit the right people – and notice I used the word ‘recruit’ because we don’t hire people, we recruit the best talent that’s out there – once you recruit them, you give them the systems, you give them the tools and the resources that they need to thrive, and then you let them do their job,” Andrews added. “Leaders delegate because if you’re working in your business versus on your business, you’re not really able to be the visionary and the CEO of your company.”

Although Andrews extends her mentorship to both males and females, most of her clients are women. Despite any adversity or hardships that women may face, Andrews is confident they can reach their goals with the right mindset.
“[Women] can overcome any challenge. If their ‘why’ is big enough, if their purpose is big enough – when I say ‘why’ I mean what drives you in the morning? What wakes you up in the morning? What is that one thing in life, in your business, that you’re saying no matter what I go through, no matter what happens, no matter the disappointments, no matter the challenges, no matter the setbacks, I’m going to get up and I’m going to make this happen anyway. I’m going to overcome this anyway. If your ‘why’ is big enough you can overcome anything,” she encouraged.

The MaxOut Group is looking to expand its reach and help more entrepreneurs around the world in 2015. In June 2015, Andrews is hosting The MaxOut Group’s first conference, “Dare to Dream” in Houston. CEOs, business owners, and leaders who would like more information on The MaxOut Group’s programs may visit www.ZenoviaAndrews.com.

Article Courtesy of Lioness Magazine.

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