A StartupNation Entrepreneur Shares His Success Story

Have you heard about the most recent StartupNation success?

After using the StartupNation site just like you are now, fellow entrepreneur Bill Clanton hit it big with his new business, Quick Bridge Solutions, http://www.quickbridgesolutions.com/.

Although he is currently swamped with new orders, Bill took a few minutes for a two-part interview. Here’s what he had to say:

Tell us a little bit about your company and when you started.

Quick Bridge Solutions is a new company, we started in late July of this year. However, I have had several businesses over the past ten years.

The background on Quick Bridge is it first started as a company to offer streaming radio to iPhones as Quick Bridge Media. I developed an application that made streaming radio stations available on iPhone without installing any new applications. My system was designed to run natively on the iPhones. 

This then spawned the need for the QB-EM Shield. It was great being able to listen to streams on my iPhone, but I found that it interfered with all my electronics and really wasn’t very nice to listen to at all. 

While receiving data, the EMI pulses from the phone’s GSM transmitter were driving me nuts…so I thought that if I am going to properly market a company providing streams to iPhones, I would need to solve the noise problem first! 

Then, I did some research. And after two months of experimenting, I came up with the shield design that we are currently selling. 

What publicity efforts have helped your business grow? Why do you think they worked?

So far, aside from getting a website built and submitting it to Google, we have only been using the press-release route. 

I think that this has worked for us because my years of experience in radio advertising have taught me one thing…advertisements don’t always work. However, if your advertisement can suddenly become front page news, then you will sell product.

Why did you choose to send out press releases?

Back when I launched my company, All Pets Radio, I was given some wise advice. Send out press releases whenever possible. This advice was given to me by a friend who had been building successful websites for several years, and he was already a millionaire…


Bill had to run, but check back on Thursday to find out his next big publicity move and more tips for entrepreneurial success…

In the meantime, feel free to send me your comments and PR questions below or at www.rembrandtwrites.com. Thanks!

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