Expanding Your Network Through Tweetups

If you are using Twitter, you are “following” a number of Twitter feeds as well as being “followed” by a number. The more you use the service, the more you probably start liking certain feeds and paying closer attention to them. In a sense, you start becoming attached to them.

All of this is great, but it is limited to your computer or mobile device screen. What if there were a way to translate the Twitter experience into the offline world?

Well, there actually is, and it’s called a Tweetup.

What’s a Tweetup? It’s a social gathering of Twitter users. They are typically announced via Twitter, and are organized around a certain location and date for local Twitter users to congregate, socialize and network.

How can you make a Tweetup more successful? Try these tips:

  • Pick a theme for the event. This helps people get the conversation started once they arrive.
  • Don’t forget to Tweet about the event, and get your friends and colleagues to Tweet about it as well.
  • See if you can secure a speaker for the event. Although the main purpose is socializing and networking, having a well-known speaker can generate interest and buzz.
  • Seek suggestions from your fellow Twitterers.
  • Invite members of the press. Generate publicity around the event, and if you are the event organizer there is a good chance that you’ll be interviewed for any related articles or media pieces.
  • Hold a contest during the event. Be creative and have some fun.
  • Select a location with free wi-fi. The Twitter crowd tends to be digitally savvy, and you can expect that some of the attendees are going to Tweet about the event in real-time.
  • Organize guests, collect donations, etc. through online meeting services such as Eventbrite.com or Meetup.com.
  • Seek feedback from attendees on how to make future Tweetups even better.
  • Determine if you want your city’s Tweetup to be a regular event, and if so, create a schedule.

These are just a few tips to help you get the most out of your online marketing. If you need additional help, let me know below or at www.WebsiteMarketingNOW.com. Thanks!

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