Testing Promotions through Email Marketing

The end of the year can be a challenging yet promising time for Email Marketers trying to get the attention of prospective customers. During the holiday season, consumers are slammed with large email volume from a variety of vendors. To cut through the noise, you should consider using effective promotions within your email campaigns.

Many Email Marketers fail to recognize when preparing their email campaigns is the importance of testing messages before they are sent out.  Sending out your promotional emails to a small group of people is a great way to understand what really drives your message. Even more, your test audience can give you substantial feedback that can greatly impact the effectiveness of your messages.

Another reason to test your promotions through email marketing is because it can dramatically affect your other communication channels. By sending out well crafted emails and tracking the results, you can save both time and money before investing in other marketing materials, such as direct mail.

Thanks for reading. I will be back soon to discuss more tips on email marketing.


Ryan Allis

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