Apple Reports Earnings: Sells a Gagillion Ipads and Makes A Bazillion Dollars

Hi gang,

No, I don’t know exactly what number a  Gagillion is, but does it matter?  The point is that Apple is one of those amazing companies that has defied all odds.  Let’s face it – 10 years ago, this company was going down.  Steve Jobs was out – their small but feverish fan base for Macs was not enough – the sharks were circling.

And then blam!! Ipod.  Blam!!! Iphone (which, by the way, was my idea.  I specifically remember the day that I was trying to answer a phone call on my cell phone and trying to take off my Ipod headphones to get the call at the same time and thinking “wow they really need a phone with music on it”.  Not cool Apple. Not cool). Then Blam! Itouch (which have succeeded in sucking my kids right into the Borg Collective. I have to text them when its time for dinner and they are sitting in the same room.  Talk about a gateway drug). Then BLAMMMM!!! Ipad – the device I didn’t think I needed and now sleep with.

So, now Apple has over $50 BILLION in the bank and has become one of the the most iconic companies in the world.

It occurs to me that we should all be encouraged by this.  Let’s face it – your goal is not to have $50 billion dollars.  Your goal is to have a successful product or service, become financially secure, work for yourself, create a great company culture, and be able to pay it forward and give back to the community that helped make you so successful. Apple did it on a large scale – you can do it on your scale.

You don’t need a Gagillion dollars.  You need to finish your coffee and get to work.

Kevin Harmon

Twitter: imadness

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