Ho! Ho! Ho! It’s Holiday Time for PR

While it may be scorching hot outside, and the last thing on your mind is the winter holiday, it’s time to pitch your products for holiday gift guides.

Since many press members work on articles way in advance of publish dates, now is the time to contact them with your holiday gift ideas.

Quick Steps for Holiday Pitching

To take advantage of these opportunities and fast-approaching deadlines:

  • Figure out which media venues you want to pursue. (You can start by doing a search for “holiday gift guides” on Google)
  • Find the right editor who handles the “gift guide” issue or article by looking online or calling the publication directly.
  • Ask how they like to receive samples for their gift guide.
  • Prepare a package with your unique story angle and send it in.

Even though you may not feel like it right now, try to take a moment to get out of the summer sun and pitch your new products and services to the right people.

After all, you don’t want to miss out on cost-effective media opportunities that can catapult sales and awareness at the end of year.

And if you have any questions about this, or need more information about your PR and copywriting efforts, please let me know at [email protected]. I’m here to help!

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