Jill Exler’s jexbo.com PR Tips

In an effort to provide you with PR tips that really work in today’s media world, I’ll be interviewing various experts and entrepreneurs who will share their personal secrets and advice.
Visit Jill Exler's www.jexbo.com to sell your self-published book!To start, meet Jill Exler. Jill is a StartupNation fan who made her big business idea a reality. At jexbo™ (a combination of Jill’s name and the word “books”) www.jexbo.com, Jill helps self-published authors sell their books online and readers find unique works and gifts in numerous categories.

Visit www.jexbo.com to sell your self-published book and find great works!As a mother running a new business while living in both Michigan and Germany, here is what Jill had to say:

1. Why did you start your own business?

I started my business when I realized there was nowhere for me to sell my self-published book myself online. I looked at the alternatives and none of what I could find was the right fit for me.

2. What has been the most rewarding part of creating your business to help others promote and sell their books?

For me, the most rewarding part of starting jexbo is knowing I have created something that will help other writers. And also, I have given readers a new place to look for books they might not otherwise be able to find.

3. Do you think entrepreneurs should use PR as part of their startup activities?

Absolutely entrepreneurs should consider using PR once they’ve started a business. For one thing, a PR firm can help point you in a direction you may not have thought of, for another they have access to contacts the average business owner doesn’t.

It also helps that the business owner can focus on the business and not have to also use time getting the word out about what they do.


For more of Jill’s great tips, check back Thursday. In the meantime, feel free to contact me directly at [email protected] with your PR questions.

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