Niche Marketing

Change Your Message: Creating a UVP to Make Marketing Magic – Tip 1

Your UVP and Marketing Magic – Tip #1 (continued)

Welcome back to the blog series, “Change Your Message,” where we are continuing with Tip #1: Pinpoint Your Unique “-EST”-ness (If you missed the first part of Tip #1 click here).

What’s Your –EST?

Defining that special something that you are especially good at, the core quality that really captures why someone should choose you, depends on what you do exactly. Do you sell a product? Provide a service? Champion a cause? Here are a handful of ideas to help hone in on how you can zero in on an effective “–est.” Take special note of which items in the following lists resonate with you.

How To Distinguish Your Products

  • High perceived value (i.e., the buyer is pleasantly surprised by the price of your product)
  • Unique packaging
  • Standout design
  • Ease of use
  • Unique solution
  • Superior performance over competing products

EST-ness - Tip 1

For instance, although there are countless donut shops in Portland, Oregon, a new donut maker may still be able to eke out a living. He is significantly more likely to succeed, though, if he can carve out a clear difference. Perhaps he has the cleanest shop in town, or offers a special kind of donut that the others don’t. In the city that begs you to “keep it weird,” maybe it’s time to be the most out there! The bottom line is that having a truly unique value proposition determines whether you’ll simply exist or find a way to thrive.

Watch for the next post of this blog series, “Change Your Message” continuing with “From to EST UVP in Action.” Have you downloaded Olga Mizrahi’s UVP Worksheet? Click on this link, other goodies or visit and get started on becoming “unique”!

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