Mobile Marketing

Mobile Marketing Guide For Entrepreneurs

In the marketing world, all roads lead to mobile. Ericsson predicts there will be 6.1 billion mobile users by 2020, up from 2.6 billion users in 2015. It’s clear that any business that wants to have a successful marketing campaign must also be aware of mobile’s possibilities.

Here are some tips on how to get the most out of mobile marketing for your business or startup:

Optimize for Mobile

More people are now using mobile to access the internet than desktop, and the scales are likely to continue tipping towards mobile. Which is why Google has recently included mobile in its ranking signals and why cofounder Larry Page has advised staff members in his engineering and product management departments to dedicate a day a week working only from their mobiles.

As the world goes mobile, businesses have no choice but to provide seamless mobile experiences to customers. Those who fail to do so will lose out to competitors who have optimized. Optimizing for mobile reduces bounce rates, improves customer experience and increases revenues.

Invest In A Text Marketing Campaign

Text marketing is definitely having its day in the sun. With texts boasting open rates of 98 percent (as compared to email’s 22 percent open rate), there’s not really much math to do here. If you want someone to read your message, send a text. Check out this case study of Intellixis, a data analytics and management company, if you need convincing.

Jorge Guillen, Intellixis Senior Developer, said that, “Text messaging services is the response to our need to serve our clients the way they expect to be served, and that is: fast, concise, and primarily ready available.” And the increased revenues and customer satisfaction rates aren’t bad either.

Integrate Across All Media

When you run an SMS marketing campaign, make it pay off by integrating it with your mobile app, email, newsletters, in-store signage, radio and television ads, social networks, kiosks, leaflets, and any other marketing media you’re using. The potential gains from mobile marketing are huge, so take advantage of it and go all the way when advertising it. The more you integrate these advertising methods, the more effective each of them will be in bringing in new clients, maintaining existing clients and increasing revenue.

Pay Attention To Content

Everyone who’s an expert in marketing says it, but it bears repeating one more time: content is king. The majority of your marketing is in written form, whether it’s navigating your mobile app’s landing page or receiving text messages about events and promotions. The more effort you put into creating a voice for your brand and offering unique and valuable content, the more successful your marketing will be:

  • Show your brand’s personality. Try not to sound like a robot or an academic wrote your content. Consider the core message and the demographics of your clients when creating a voice that speaks for your company.
  • Be brief. You won’t have as much room to blabber on in a mobile app as you would on a desktop accessed site. Edit your content to squeeze the essence out of your message in as few words as possible.
  • Spotlight on value. What can the user get out of your brand? Make that your focus.

Good content inspires trust in your brand and encourages customers to share it with others.

Video, Video, Video

By the end of 2014, mobile video accounted for a whopping 55 percent of mobile data use. There are lots of reasons why video and mobile are made for each other. Mobile screens are small, making it hard for some users to spend a lot of time reading long stretches of text (see “Pay attention to content” above). So, say it with a video. Vine, Snapchat and Instagram all offer popular platforms for short-form video while Facebook and YouTube top the networks for long-form video.

Call-to-Action = Conversions

Don’t just tell the client how to reach you on your mobile site, include a button that allows them to call or send an email. Don’t just tell them there’s a sale in your text message, include a link to a discount code they can present to the salesclerk when they arrive.

The more you allow your clients to “Call now,” “Send a message,” “Talk to a live agent,” “Sign up,” “Share,” “Reply,” “See a map,” “RSVP,” and “Buy now,” the easier you make it for them to reach out to you and have a positive experience with your brand. Make their interactions with you easy, convenient and seamless by providing them buttons that will allow them easy access to you and your product. Check out these call-to-action masters for some inspiration.

The more you integrate mobile into your marketing strategy, the higher your conversions and revenues. With retail mobile use growing at a much more rapid rate than PC, your customers are paying attention to mobile. You should be, too.

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