Video Digital Marketing

Digital Marketing Campaign: Get the Most Out of Video

The biggest challenge for any brand looking to expand online is embracing the concept of digital marketing. For many businesses, video a brand new challenge and one that could cause difficulties if the best practices are not followed. That does not mean that you cannot be successful, though!

In fact, digital marketing strategies have begun to make the world of marketing evolve in faster ways than we could have imagined. To avoid getting left behind, your company should take advantage of this brand new digital venture wholeheartedly.

What is digital marketing?

Before we explain anything further, we have to clearly define what we mean by “digital marketing.” It is the process of marketing your brand in a variety of forms across the Internet. These means can include:

  • Search Engine OptimizationVideo Digital Marketing Campaign
  • Infographics
  • Content Outreach
  • Video Creation
  • Pay-Per-Click Advertisement
  • Email Marketing
  • Blogging
  • Social Media Interaction

There are so many more levels to digital marketing. It is an immersive marketing technique that is designed to attract visitors naturally through organic search engines such as Google or Bing, and every step should – if done correctly! – help you to gain the valuable traffic your business needs in order to thrive and gain consumer attention.

Think of it this way: you have a great idea for your company’s website. You make a nice website, place it online, and wait for the traffic to roll in – but it doesn’t. What could you possibly do to make sure that your amazing new website gets the views you believe it deserves? That is where securing a new digital marketing campaign comes in, and utilizing video could be at the heart of your marketing processes to increase brand recognition worldwide. Not a bad concept, right?

How can I use video for digital marketing?

This is where we get to the best part. Statistics alone show that the number of people watching YouTube each day has increased by 40 percent each year since March 2014. Other forms of digital media are growing in popularity, including apps, but video remains the king. You could say that video has certainly started to kill the radio star when it comes to the digital field.

Many digital marketing professionals will fervently tell you to undertake search engine optimization on your website to ensure that you are found on Google. However, that is not the only step that needs to be taken. A business that struggles to have any presence online anywhere other than its own website will not be able to thrive online in the way it would have hoped. This is where video marketing comes in – and it could make your marketing campaign soar.

Around 69 percent of marketing professionals have already started to use video in their marketing campaigns to attract the attention of customers, with 45 percent stating that their videos have increased lead generation for sales. This is exactly what your business may need, and video can take you there! By simply embedding the content on your website and promoting social shares, your online presence could begin to climb.

Finding the right video process

Planning out your use of video is more than just firing off an idea and executing it. You should consider consulting with professional videographers to ensure your content is executed expertly. Be patient and think through the following plan before spending your money:

  • Write down the aim of the business and target demographicsVideo Digital Marketing Campaign
  • Gather your team to discuss ideas
  • Ensure the content will be beneficial to the business
  • Bring your ideas to your video developers
  • Plan according to the business aims
  • Promote!

By talking to professionals from Wizmotions, you can find yourself creating a video with the aim of captivating your target audiences. Animation is a frontrunner in the online video world, with bright colors and attractive ideas that can hold an audience far longer than traditional video. Think of what your business needs, and work in partnership to create a video that you need: whether it be for viral content, informative, or an introduction to your brand.

With your brand new video in hand, it’s time to promote it.

Video promotion for top performances

Embedding the video at the top of your website will get the best traffic to it. Google also appreciates video content on a website, making you look more authoritative, so get those videos posted!

Using social media has also become one of the fastest – and best! – ways to get yourself noticed. So much so that companies now employ social media managers to take care of community interaction online. Creating a unique video is a great way to start getting shares, likes and comments that center around your brand.

Informative videos can be good for businesses looking to attract professionals or customers who are specifically looking for their services, bringing in the most chances for leads. Viral content, on the other hand, can be funny and relaxed, with the aim of getting your brand name out there to potentially thousands of people. Sharing and commenting is easy, so why not take advantage of it and get yourself noticed?

Gain organic leads the right way

All websites want organic traffic, and video can help attract just that. By having your brand name in a video, your URL in a description and text surrounding your videos, you will make it more attractive to people looking for your information and expertise. Videos capture a wider audience, and by nature, we are influenced more by visual experiences than those we read.

If your business needs a boost in its digital marketing strategy, look no further than video. The digital revolution has only just begun – so jump in!

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