Interview Two with Jared Tanner, helps small businesses succeed!On Tuesday, Jared Tanner, the vice president of marketing at, shared his suggestions about successful PR efforts.

Here is the rest of that discussion:

What advice do you have for small business owners who are looking for a publicist?

Look for one who is active, aggressive and who doesn’t take “no” for an answer. 

Many times, it’s not the company or business with the best story to tell that gets the media exposure – it’s the company whose publicist is the most aggressive in selling the business and story. 

The right publicist also has the right media contacts and connections – and those connections can be just as valuable as the actual work the publicist does for you. 

What tips do you have for entrepreneurs who want to increase sales as cost-effectively as possible?

Look for a publicist who is willing to work on commission. 😉

Is there anything else you would like to add?

It doesn’t matter what size your business is – public relations should play a key role in every marketing plan.

Thanks for your tips and insights Jared! For more information from Jared, visit

And if you have a PR success story, question or comment, please write to me below or at I’m here to help! Thanks!

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