3 Steps to Quick Start Your 2009 Publicity Success

Welcome back from the holidays! And if you’re like most entrepreneurs, you have a lot of work to do right now, and PR tends to fall to the bottom of your list. Well, it’s time to make it a priority so you can reap the benefits of free publicity.

Here are 3 simple things you can do now to get started:

1. Review your plan.

Do you have an action plan for your PR efforts? If not, check out our quick
step here.

2. Schedule time.

Add 15 minutes to your schedule each day specifically for PR activities.
Then, spend that time conducting media research, creating your story pitch,
calling reporters, working on an original article, etc.

Just by working on your publicity a few minutes each day, you can garner media coverage that boosts sales fast.

3. Get help.

If you really don’t have time for do-it-yourself PR, find someone to help
you. Whether it’s a college student, intern, freelancer, or experienced publicist, there are many people available who can provide assistance.

But please do your research first.

Find someone who fits your specific needs and budget. Many entrepreneurs have come to me stating that they paid big bucks for a well-known publicist or agency, but they didn’t receive any major media clips or the attention they deserved.

Please don’t let this happen to you! For more information, check out this article.

The Time is Now…

By getting media coverage and having third-parties talk about your
business, you can obtain valuable credibility and word-of-mouth that is
impossible to purchase. It really is worth your time and effort.

So what do you say? Are you going to add PR to your list of priorities today?

If you have questions about garnering free publicity, please comment below or send me a note at www.rembrandtwrites.com. I’m here to help!�

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