Does Your SEO Copy Sound Like An Ad?

I just spoke to a potential client who wanted to stay away from search engine optimization (SEO) in her copy because she was afraid it would be dishonest and sound like a commercial. Do you think this way too?

If so, you are missing out on a great opportunity.

How are potential customers going to find you if your Website and marketing messages don’t include keywords about your products and services? 

Now, I can understand that you want to be upfront with customers and provide valuable information. And that’s exactly what SEO will do… if it is done correctly. (See

SEO is so much more than simply finding free keywords online and posting them on your Website. 

It’s a matter of finding the right words, placing them in key places, adding the appropriate codes for search engines, providing valuable information to customers, and monitoring results.

Now, this takes time and effort. That’s why many entrepreneurs hire expert SEO copywriters to help them. But it’s well worth the expense. A good SEO copywriter can help potential customers find your business online fast. But if you decide to pass on quality, SEO efforts, your customers will probably find and use your competitors’ sites first.

Got SEO copywriting or public relations questions? Please let me know here or check out my free information at www.rembrandtwrites. I’m here to help! Thanks.  

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