Think Positive in Tough Times

Be positive and grow your startup faster!Negativity surrounds us. But now, more than ever, it’s important to stay positive. After all, it can be really easy to spread negative comments and get caught in a downward spiral of hopelessness. Don’t let it happen to you!

Toxic communications and people can be detrimental to your health and hurt your business. Without knowing it, budget hassles, stressful deadlines and the latest, economic news can affect your emotions and productivity.

With this in mind, here are a few tips to  help you get back on track and feel more energized:

1. Hang out with positive people.

Try to avoid constant complainers. Instead, surround yourself with positive, successful people who radiate confidence and lead happy and fulfilling lives.

“Surround yourself with people who take their work seriously, but not themselves, those who work hard and play hard!” Colin Powell

2. Be thankful.

Sometimes it can be extremely difficult to be in a good mood and think pleasant thoughts. When this happens, try to focus on all the things you are thankful for.

Make a quick mental list of your favorite things in life and why you are grateful for them. Then, make a fresh start and try to be positive for the rest of the day. This may seem like a waste of time, but it works. You’ll be surprised at how your attitude will change.

The Oprah Winfrey Show – The Secret”

3. Take a break from the news.

Although it’s important to know what is going on in the world, news reports are not usually packed with positive stories. When the work day is over, turn the news off and listen to your favorite music, get some exercise, or watch your favorite television program. This will give your mind and body a stress-break and help revive your mental attitude. 

Notes on The Power of Positive Thinking

4. Think about where you are going.

Do yourself a favor and “stop and smell the roses.” If you are just running around meeting deadlines, dealing with negative clients, working with micro-managers, or just trying to earn an income, it’s time to stop for a moment – Is this really a stepping stone to bigger and better things?

You will be much happier if you think about your career goals and know your specific action-plan to reach those goals. Of course it’s important to pay your dues, but be sure you are paying them at the right time and place in order to see future results.

It may not seem possible, but just by reviewing your environment and making simple changes, you can be more productive, have a better mental attitude and reach your career goals faster.

Obviously, these are just a few suggestions. Do you have any additional tips you’d like to share to help others feel more positive? If so, please provide your comments below, or feel free to contact me via my site I’d love to hear from you! Thanks!

P.S. After posting this blog, I received a lovely note from Kristen Marie Schuerlein, founder of Affirmagy, She and her friend Lindsay Andreotti, founder of Ovel,, are collaborating to give away hundreds of blankets and shirts with positive affirmations at the Women’s Expo 2008 November 1st and 2nd….just because. Check out the announcement at! Thanks for spreading positive energy ladies!

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