
How to Find and Connect with Your Audience on Social Media [VIDEO]

How would you like to find and attract the right potential clients and partners to help your business grow? With the right strategy, social media is a great tool to make that happen. In fact, a variety of these platforms have completely transformed the way we connect with our audience (and fellow entrepreneurs) online. When done correctly, we can find and connect with individuals who are a perfect fit to work with.

While there are many creative ways to leverage social media, in this video I share three that any entrepreneur can start doing today, including:

Connect to your audience in groups

Joining groups on Facebook, LinkedIn and other social sites allows you to find and connect with like-minded professionals, find new opportunities and build strategic partnerships with fellow entrepreneurs.

Incorporate email marketing into the mix

After establishing new contacts on social media, we get to build stronger relationships through email. In addition to sending updates, we can also ask our new friends specific questions that open up a productive conversation.

Get started with live streaming video

This one is definitely my favorite. Live streaming video is a great way to reach a large audience and still feel like you are getting a one-on-one connection.

Each one of these strategies has many benefits and when executed properly, it can be a game changer for your startup. I hope you found these tips helpful. I would love to hear how you connect with your audience online. Share your thoughts in the comments section below, or tweet me.

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